PowerMAG Therapie

Treatment of various disorders

PowerMAG Therapy is a simple-to-use ambulant treatment system. The system can be used for a wide range of applications and is capable to run multiple sessions per day over a long time. Exchangeable coils and a high performance stimulator ensure a maximum flexibility.

Make stimulation easy

Advanced functions as automatic safety criteria checks, storage & recall of treatment settings or safe measurement of the right stimulation dose ensure applying stimulations safely.
Touch screen “APP-like” software and many other ergonomic features guarantee an easy and comfortable treatment.

Documentation of your treatment

Patient evaluation and automatic documentation function is a very important part of TMS-treatments and of course contained in PowerMAG Therapy. Printing reports and storage of both single sessions and whole treatments is useful for Quality Management and invoicing issues.

Future-proof TMS

PowerMAG Therapy contains a high performing stimulator and state-of-the-art stimulation coil with advanced cooling technology. Modern protocols like TBS are a basic feature of our stimulator. New stimulation protocols and coil designs can be easily connected with PowerMAG Therapy. Quality Made in Germany is the proof for top-class engineering and long lifetime.

PowerMAG Therapy System
Safety Management
  • Real-time protocol check with Rossi criteria
  • Safe stimulation dose
  • Immediate termination of pulsing
  • Rapid removal of coil
  • Quick placing patient in a safe position
  • Guided coil positioning
  • Pneumatic height adjustment of chair
  • Comfortable head rest
  • Mobile setup
  • Storage/recall of treatments settings
  • Multiple protocols (rTMS, TBS, Trains)
  • Advanced (exchangeable) cooled coils
  • Integrated reporting
  • High performance stimulator for long life time
  • Highly effective pulse power
  • High-precise coil navigation
  • Individual head scan
  • Storage and recall of coil position
  • Wireless tracking system
  • Intuitive setup

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