Event-Related fast TMS

Event-related TMS depicts the combination of TMS together with a specific, cognitive task. Examples are stimulating the visual cortex while the subject is shown pictures, or stimulating Broca’s area while asking the subject to talk. As TMS is very focal and hence only influences very specific brain regions it is a very instrumental technique towards studying the brain’s interconnections and functionalities while performing cognitive tasks.

For event-related TMS, the temporal relationship between a task with a reliable timing of the stimulation is crucial. The spatial resolution which is determined by the coil geometry is a second important factor which has to be considered.

The selection of the right stimulator and coil for event-related studies is essential for reliable results.

Major considerations and solutions:

Precise and reliable timing
Trigger in/out must be without jitter to ensure a proper, reproducible experiments.

Stimulation coils
Different geometries and sizes must be available.
Customized coil development for innovative ideas.

Connection to existing lab equipment
Various interfaces to easily connect to devices which record VEP, AEP, MEP and other electrophysiological parameters.
Different possibilities to control the stimulator with existing equipment.

Induction of mains noise into recording equipment and electrodes
Advanced shielding avoid interferences by mains noise and the stimulation pulse.

Reproducible stimulation
Integration into MR-based neuronavigation systems.


Why MAG & More:
Full external controllability
Full external controllability
Various coils
Various coils
Precise timing
Precise timing
Integrated navigation points
Integrated navigation points
Electrical shielding
Electrical shielding
Half- and full wave
Half- and full wave
High speed stimulation
High speed stimulation
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