In-Vitro Cell Stimulation

In-vitro cell stimulation is utilized to research the physiological events in cortex cells on neuro-chip-systems. Findings in the field of in-vitro cell stimulation help improve current applications in neurodiagnostics and -rehabilitation.

The main advantage of neuro-chip-systems is that, due to their inter-neuronal connections, they represent nerve tissue much more comprehensively than single nerve fibers or preparations. These systems also highly suited towards analyzing defined chemical impacts on nerve cells (e.g. neuro-toxic impacts). Reproducible measurements can be conducted over extended periods of time while excluding many interference factors.

Major considerations and solutions:

Ability to modulate the stimulus activity of neurons:
Exact stimulation dosage and reproducibility.

Definition of the geometric field parameters for the induced magnetic field:
Selection of different coil forms and types.

Research different pulse forms:
Optimizing stimulus time and sequence (with or without switching the polarity).

Improved stimulus effect for induced stimulation:
Application of different pulse forms and patterns.



Why MAG & More:
Full external controllability
Full external controllability
Various coils
Various coils
Stable output power
Stable output power
Optimized pulse length
Optimized pulse length
Half- and full wave
Half- and full wave
Current direction
Current direction
Various protocols
Various protocols
Related Products:





  •  Integration of custom-made coils
  •  Coil simulations

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