Clinical Research

Clinical TMS research is conducted to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of TMS by investigating its effects on human beings. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a great way to selectively modulate targeted areas of the brain (facilitating or inhibiting) in order to treat neurological and psychiatric diseases. In contrast to pharmaceuticals, TMS is a non-systemic way of treatment which means that TMS does not circulate in the blood stream throughout the body and does not have body wide systemic side effects.

By delivering its therapeutic effects directly to the brain this non-invasive and almost side-effect free technique appears to have a great future in treatment of various neurological and psychiatric indications.

Major considerations and solutions:

Individually set all stimulation parameters
Customize the TMS equipment to fit your needs.
Free configurable stimulation protocols.
Capable of advanced TMS protocols such as Theta-Burst or Quattro-Burst.

Future proof equipment
Upgradable technology in order to follow future TMS developments.

Precise coil navigation
Wireless IR-tracking system with great accuracy and high resolution.
Integrated navigation points on the stimulation coils.
Ability to integrate (future) coil geometries.

Reproducibility and data export for statistical analysis
Store and recall stimulation points and coil positions in 6D.
Record EEG electrode positions.

Why MAG & More:
Full external controllability
Full external controllability
Safety borders
Safety borders
Precise timing
Precise timing
Various coils
Various coils
Various protocols
Various protocols

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