Navigated TMS

The use of TMS in research requires an individual and precise positioning of the TMS coil at the selected brain region. MR-based neuro-navigation systems can visualize the electromagnetic hot-spot of the coil in real-time at an individual, anatomical MR-data record. This enables the user to stimulate the target with great precision and makes reproducibility of the TMS set-up much easier. Additionally navigated TMS allows the researcher to protocol and map his or her work for studies and papers. Color coded fMRI data showing active regions of the brain is another helpful tool to find the right target areas.

Major considerations and solutions:

Precise coil navigation
Wireless IR-tracking system with great accuracy and high resolution.
Integrated navigation points on the stimulation coils.
Ability to integrate (future) coil geometries.

Intuitive operability
Implementation of intelligent algorithms (fully automated brain segmentation,
surface reconstruction, „brain peeling“).

Handling of data formats for 3D reconstruction
DICOM capable.
Proprietary data formats for most of the current MR scanner manufacturers.

Reproducibility and data export for statistical analysis
Store and recall stimulation points and coil positions in 6D.
Record EEG electrode positions.

Data import and interfaces
Interfaces to BrainVoyager for importing and overlaying functional.
data onto the anatomical reconstruction of the brain.
Import of structural and functional MRT analysis (fMRI, DTI, EEG/MEG).

Why MAG & More:
Full external controllability
Full external controllability
Precise timing
Precise timing
Various coils
Various coils
Various protocols
Various protocols

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