Informacje dla pacjenta

What is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)?

TMS is a technique that allows stimulation through the intact skull bone and which stimulates selected brain regions. The stimulation is realized by short magnetic pulses that induce a flow of current in brain areas close to the surface. Thus brain activity may be triggered or modulated without surgery or externally applied electrodes. TMS is a non-invasive method which is almost completely pain-free.

Depending on the stimulation protocol, neuronal functionalities can be inhibited or facilitated for a defined period of time. In addition, repetitive TMS, also known as rTMS, may produce longer-lasting changes in electro-cortical functionalities. Using functional imaging, such as fMRI and PET, overactive (e.g. tinnitus) or inhibited (e.g. depression) areas of the brain can be observed and then modulated with TMS.

Help yourself

Search for a doctor who is specialized in the treatment of your disease. Discuss your treatment options with this doctor. Ask him for advantages and disadvantages of each treatment option and also if there can be any later side effects. To come to the right decision, talk also to your family and friends about the different options and seek their assistance. Take time to collect informations about your disease and the treatment options. Information sources can be: the internet, publications, self-support groups, written informal material and so on.

Treatment Schedule of Apollo TMS Therapy System™

Can be performed before going to work or during the lunch break.

19 minutes treatment duration

4-6 weeks in a row
5 days per week

Patient is awake and alert during treatment

Normal activities possible after treatment

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